Countdown to the Sexiest Vegan Next Door: Save the Seals

As many of you know, I have been named a finalist in PETA's Sexiest Vegan Next Door contest. The contest has been covered extensively by the Pittsburgh media.  You can vote for me by clicking here. 

In honor of Jayshiv being named a finalist, Jayshiv's Bjournal will be featuring a week-long series of posts on various animal rights issues, until voting for the contest closes. There are 7 days left to vote. Check out our previous post on reasons to go vegan.

There are countless incidents of cruelty against animals which happen every day in our world. Today's enemy?

While I enjoy hockey, and find its universal healthcare system refreshing, our neighbor to the north has a disgusting habit of encouraging the slaughter of baby seals.  This is troubling for a number of reasons.

Seals were already dumped by Heidi Klum... Haven't they
suffered enough? Do we really need to club their babies too?
1. It is gruesome. 95% of the seals killed for pelts are babies. How many of these seals could have grown up and recorded number one hits?
Or dated supermodels? Or both? We may never know.

2. It is economically inefficient. The demand for seal pelts has plummeted, yet the industry is still supported by politicians because it is in a region that has a lot of swing votes. How do I know that our global economy isn't dependent on this industry, and will crumble without it? I studied economics for four years at Northwestern University. No one mentioned Seal Pelts even once.

3. Nobody even wants Seal Pelts. These have been out of fashion for years. In fact, deciding to boycott seal pelts was one of the first things I ever did, when I was just a few seconds old.

Even Russia, the former number one importer of seal pelts, has banned the trade. This is particularly notable given Russia's traditionally terrible fashion sense; if even they won't wear it, you know it is out of fashion.

Even this typical Russian man thinks seal pelts
" look ridiculous"

4. What if the Seals fight back? I'm all for keeping the number of enemies we have down... and clubbing baby seals is certainly not the way to do that. What if the Seals learn how to fight back? Can you imagine the terror? Treat all life with respect.
A hypothetical situation if Canadian blood-lust
continues. Photo courtesy of PETA
In conclusion, we have learned two things today: 1. Canada's slaughter of baby seals is a true tragedy, and 2. I am indeed the sexiest vegan.

Do something about both issues by voting for me and signing this letter to the King of Canada.