After the Apocalypse: A Bucket List.

Congratulations! Both my blog and you have survived the Mayan Apocalypse. Once again, the Mayans were completely off-target (have you seen their fashion sense?)

No clue why anyone believed someone who dressed like this

Nonetheless, the complete misfire by the Mayans, combined with my recent shoulder dislocation, reminded me of my mortality. As a result, I compiled a bucket list of things I would like to accomplish before I die, because quite frankly, I'm not sure I will be reincarnated as someone so cute.

My first order of business:
Presidential photo shoot!
Become President of the United States: Unfortunately, this seems like a long-shot for a few reasons. First, there has never been an Indian President. Second, I have no political knowledge or experience. In fact, I have little interest in politics at all. I only want to be president so I can make spraying champagne everywhere legal.

Step foot on the Moon: Why do I want to go to the moon? Because I am looking for a cheese source that doesn't involve cruelty to animals.

See Jack Reacher: Seeing this movie is on my to-do list.  It looks good and I'm a big Tom Cruise fan. It really doesn't have anything to do with the end of the world.

I'm assuming moon-cheese is vegan
Spray Champagne Everywhere: This is self-explanatory

Find and Kill Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster: When I was a young lad, I was terrified of these beasts. Years later, I found out they were fictional- I had no reason to be scared. I hate liars. I hate fear. I will have my revenge.

Get a Sandwich Named after Me: I thought I had already accomplished this feat with my famous Peanut Butter and Chutney on Foccacia. Unfortunately, this sandwich had already been named "The Prakash"

Looks like I'll have a lot of work to do to complete this list. In fact, I probably would have had a better chance of doing some of these things had the Apocalypse indeed occurred. It would have been easier to become president of a post-apopalyptic world with fewer legitimate candidates, and few police officers would complain about celebrating surviving the apocalypse with a champagne shower followed by a chutney sandwich (Prakash also would have died, leaving the door open for culinary innovation).