Renouncer Lifestyle

In Sannyasa, the fourth and final stage of the Hindu life, an individual withdraws from the physical world to engage in meditation and spiritual pursuits. The final goal, moksha, is true enlightenment and release from the prisons of the material world.

Unfortunately, in today's world, we are more dependent on material needs than ever. As a result, I have decided to start the renouncing things immediately- this way, I will be able to slowly give up one thing at a time until I am just an old dude living naked in the woods- the true goal of everyone's life.
I have been meditating on whether or not to
renounce my use of the word "bro"

First, I gave up meat- a challenge, but, now I feel healthier and more spiritually enriched than ever. Then, I renounced eating animal products- becoming a vegan and taking one more step towards elusive enlightenment. I then gave up smoking cigarettes- this one was particularly easy because I never smoked.

I have also renounced dishonesty, buying unnecessary clothing, and The Bachelor, although Bachelor Pad is still fair game.

But now, I need your help. I have reached a spiritual standstill- a new year is looming, and I am unsure what to renounce next. Take the poll to the right of the page or write in to with your own suggestion to help guide me.